MIRA has a fiduciary responsibility to its member cities and towns to provide the best possible services at the lowest possible cost.  That responsibility extends to our business relationships.  MIRA contracts with a wide range of companies to operate its facilities and provide professional services to the authority.

Procurement Policies and Procedures

MIRA procures goods and services through an open process governed by the Procurement Policies and Procedures adopted by its Board of Directors.

Requests for Bids, Proposals, and Qualifications

In accordance with its procurement policies and procedures, from time to time, MIRA shall invite by public notice on the MIRA website, the Connecticut State Contracting Portal, and where otherwise noticed by MIRA, a solicitation for the submission of bids, proposals and/or qualifications from qualified private sector entities to provide goods or services to MIRA.

SBE/MBE Information

MIRA urges all of its vendors, if they qualify, to do all that is necessary to become registered with the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services (DAS) as a Small Business Enterprise (SBE) and/or Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), and to, wherever practicable, utilize SBE/MBE subcontractors in their provision of services to MIRA. For more information about DAS and their supplier diversity program, click here.


MIRA is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate in its hiring, employment, contracting, or business practices. For a link to MIRA’s Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action policy, click here.